Crowdypay is an online Nigeria investment site that promises to pay registered members a 40% return on investment within the period of 7 days.
Clicksgenie is an advertising platform that allows users to receive emails and at the same time paying them to read the email for some minutes.
Stepworkstime is an online platform that pays users to execute tasks from facebook, instagram, youtube, and twitter.
Tata-vip review (Is legit or scam?). Is an e-commerce platform that wants to render earning opportunities to all registered members.
Nairalink review (Is legit or scam check out?). Is a social media marketing company that helps businesses to promote their products or services on people's social feeds.
Crowdyloan review (is legit or scam check out?). Is a platform where members loan each other funds in return for a commission.
Ennyinvest is an online investment that allows users to invest in any packages they choose to invest in and wait for a duration of 30 days or 4 months to claim your return on investment.
Globalasets is a financial company that pays 35% of return on investment to its registered members within the period of 2 weeks.
Bundle Africa is a social payment application that allows all registered members in exchange of currency either by naira or crypto.
Eliteshares is an e-commerce investment platform that is ready to pay investors to return on investment within the duration of 14 days
Fluctualy is an advertising platform that enables users to carry out tasks by sharing sponsored content on their social media platform or watching sponsored videos.
Linxng is an investment platform that pays a 43% return on investment within the duration of 12 days of your investment.